Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kicking around

Well, between us we've visited or passed by most of the monopoly board, walked down Drury Lane (no muffin man unfortunately), and made friends with the owner of our current local pub, The Market Trader. Found a cool pub near Leicester Square with a giant wooden tree sculpture and about a thousand random levels (including a top level where you have to stoop to about 1.5m). We also invited the Queen over for afternoon tea, but she declined - so we kicked a footy around on her front lawn for a while instead.

Also visited the British Museum (which has some awesome artifacts on display, even if you can only see so many ancient relics in one hit).

On the job front, I've had two interviews with a follow up for the phone interview coming up. Lecky has a trial run on Monday at being a sandwich delivery boy on a bike - a job that definitely has perks. Though it's definitely hard to be enthusiastic about the prospect of going back to work, with Europe so close. I'm sure we have everyone's greatest sympathies on that too.. NOT.

PS. If you haven't checked them out already, there's some new pics in the first London album plus a new lot.


Anonymous said...

ok, now I want a photo of Leck on his sandwich delivery bike eating a sandwich!!


Anonymous said...

I turned the job down...decided to go to Sweden instead :-) The sandwiches were nice though!!!