Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We've just landed in Londontown, after a long but uneventful flight over. No burst oxygen cylinders, no strange engine noises.. just the amusing stupidity of a group of young'uns heading to Bangkok, and the occasional technical mishap with the entertainment system.

And although we're now halfway across the globe, it's still a small world after all - on the way to Lecky's cousin's place we ran into them in a cafe near the train station. Talk about good timing.

It's pretty cold, but not unbearably so - four Canberra winters have prepared us well - although it's dark by 4:30pm and at the height of daylight it still feels like it's about 4pm QLD time. So far the London highlights include the rows of monopoly style houses, double decker red buses and red telephone booths, and a cool little squirrel eating an acorn in the park. Looking forward to a good sleep under a heavy doona tonight, and then hopefully adjusting to London time tomorrow...


Cynthia said...

Hey Neat, what's wrong. You didn't mention the airline food!

Anonymous said...

Well done.

I hope u had a gr8 NY.

Speak 2 u soon.
