Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Joy of Moving

We are currently in the process of packing up our belongings and preparing to move out. Now for anyone who has been fortunate enough to have avoided this unpleasant exercise, be warned: moving house is an exhausting, stressful and seemingly never-ending task. Here are some points to consider for anyone contemplating moving:

  • No matter how many things you have, you can always survive on less – sell, dump or donate
  • The majority of people at garage sales are tight-arse wankers .
  • The number of packing boxes you’ve estimated will always be less than the number you end up packing.
  • Cleaning an entire house will drive you insane. Don’t kid yourself, just hire a cleaner.
  • Stock plenty of snacks in the house while you’re packing!

In spite of all these negative aspects of moving, it is actually very liberating to rid yourself of possessions and strip back to the bare essentials. And when the kitchen is cleaned out, you get to eat all the takeaway food you can handle...

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