Induhvidual: Hey buddy, I gotta be at work by 7. Why are we running so late?
Driver (to Resting Driver): What's he saying?
Induhvidual: I got a meeting at 7, it's very important. I can't understand why we're so late.
Resting Driver (in disbelief): Uhh... have you looked outside recently??
Driver (to Induhvidual): Look mate, just go and sit back down.
Induhvidual: But I gotta...
Driver (rage building): Go on, just go and sit back down. (pause) Go on. Back to your seat!
At this point the Induhvidual grudgingly goes back to his seat. Any passengers within earshot are sniggering to themselves.
Driver (to Resting Driver): Fucking idiot.
Arriving in London about an hour and a half late, we were very lucky to get in at all. Many of the underground tube lines were suspended in part or full, and no local bus services were running. Schools and businesses closed for the day, motorways were shut down and gridlocked, and at the airports, flights were delayed up to 48 hours.

But thankfully for us, we didn't have to be anywhere or do anything, besides admiring the pretty white-capped buildings, cars and parks, and having impromptu snowball fights.

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